
Course Description

Library Resources

The University Library's resources for this course [ENG 2: 666] can be accessed from their online catalogue here.

Assignment Presentation

All the work you hand in should adhere to the following guidelines:.
  • Typed: handwritten work cannot be submitted in this course.
  • Double-spaced.
  • Printed on one side only of A4 sheets.
  • 12 or 14-point type: smaller or larger is unacceptable.
  • Margins at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) all around (including top and bottom).
  • Available in electronic as well as hard-copy form.


We take plagiarism extremely seriously. If you take all or part of someone else’s work without acknowledgement, and present it as your own, you can expect to receive – at the very least – a zero grade for that assignment.

Depending on the seriousness of the offence, you may also face failure in the course as a whole. If in doubt, ask.

The Department now employs the online system called Turnitin to detect copying or plagiarism.

What this means is that you will have to submit each assignment both in electronic form - to the Turnitin website - and in hard-copy, to your tutor.

No assignment will be graded until it has been positively assessed by the website.


Tutors are not required to mark or comment on drafts of assignments. You are, however, welcome to discuss your work with them during their appointed office hours.

If you disagree with a mark, I suggest that you wait for a few days before talking to us about it. Give yourself that much time to reread and reflect on the grade and the comments. If you still have a query or complaint after that, you should consult your tutor first of all. If you are still dissatisfied, you may contact the course controller (contact details here).

Late Assignments

All work is due in tutorials on the dates given in the timetable.

Late work, without an extension, will incur a penalty of one mark per day.

If it is more than one week late, your tutor may refuse to accept or grade it.


If you wish for an extension, you must ask for one from your tutor. They will be given sparingly, in cases of bereavement, illness or “family crisis.” You will be asked to provide medical certificates for illness.

You must ask for the extension before the assignment is due.

Lecture Etiquette

All lectures & workshops begin at five past the hour and continue till five to the hour.

Please be punctual. If you arrive late, try and take a seat with the minimum of noise and disruption:
  • Don't (for instance) drag the plastic bag with your pens and notebooks in it out of your backpack and proceed to extract the contents with maximum rustling and grunting.
  • Don't forget to turn your cellphone off, and, whatever you do, if it rings, don't answer it!
  • If you know you have to leave early (for whatever reason), don't sit in the middle of a row, and don't let the door swing shut as you go out.

What are the protocols of a writing workshop?

Liz Allen in The Creative Writing Handbook (1996) suggests the following ground rules:

  1. Observe silence when writing in a workshop – creative thought is impaired by superficial conversation.
  2. Don’t be too self-conscious about the work you've produced – it’s raw, waiting to be worked, you’re not trying to prove anything.
  3. Be supportive of each other, be constructively critical, not negative.
  4. Do not use the workshop as an opportunity to show off technical virtuosity – it intimidates other people.
  5. Do not refuse to read your work out week after week or it will become an increasingly frightening prospect.

To these I would add one other: make no introductions to or apologies for the piece of work you are reading out. Let it speak for itself.

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